Waukegan Residential Garage Door Safety: How to Make Sure Your Door is Safe

how to make sure your garage door is safe

In the USA alone there are over 3,000 burglaries every single day. This means that someone’s safety is compromised every 30 seconds.

If you want to prevent a home break-in and protect your property from damage, then you need to prioritize improving the safety of your residential garage door in the Waukegan area.

Here, you can discover some easy garage improvements you can make to ensure the safety of your property, and your family.

Frost the Windows

Adding windows to your garage can be visually appealing, but if you are using your garage to store valuables, you may need to make some adjustments. Windows help thieves to see if you have anything worth stealing, or if there is an internal door to the house.

By frosting the windows, you can still let the natural light into the garage, but without the fear of compromising your safety. Luckily you can find frosted film for sale in many major retailers in the Waukegan area, and it is easy to fit.

Consider a Driveway Alarm System

Driveway alarms are an essential part of any effective home and garage security system. They can pick up on any movement and alert you to suspicious activity.

By using multiple sensors, you can protect all entry points. This will deter burglars and ensure you have no blind spots.

Get a Local Waukegan Inspector Out for Your Garage Door

Regular garage door inspection and maintenance are key if you want to keep your garage safe and secure all year round. While you should often check your garage for wear and tear yourself, it is best to get a professional to look it over at regular intervals.

You may find that you have to replace your old door with a new door to make your garage secure. A professional will be able to advise you as to what garage door is best suited for your individual needs.

Keep Any Doors and Windows Locked

If you can access your garage using a door directly from your home, then any thieves that manage to get into your garage could easily access your home too.

Don’t leave your family and home vulnerable in Waukegan. Keep any linking doors locked at all times when not in use. Similarly, if your garage has any windows, keep these shut and locked to reduce the number of weak entry points.

Keep the Garage Door Opener Remote Safe at All Times

If you have a garage door opener, be careful about where you put it, both at night and during the day. Never leave it in your car as thieves could easily break in and take it.

Also, do not leave it anywhere a young child could reach it and unintentionally click buttons without you knowing. It is a good idea to keep it on your key chain or safe in your purse during the day. At night, keep it in your home.

Why Garage Door Safety is Important for Waukegan Residents

Approximately 9% of burglars are able to break into homes via unsecured garages. With these safety tips, you will be able to make sure your garage isn’t left vulnerable to unwanted visitors.

If you value your garage door safety, choose Premier Door Corp to inspect, repair, or replace your garage doors for those in the Waukegan area.

Contact us today to find out more about our garage door maintenance and installation services and how we could help you keep your home safe.