A Guide to Maintaining Your Lake Forest Residential Garage Door This Year

Keep Your Safety Garage Sensors Working Properly

An automatic garage door makes your life so much easier, but only if it’s working properly.

Dirty or defective garage sensors affect how your door works, or make it stop functioning altogether. A door stuck halfway, or a still-closed door when you’re in a hurry, is incredibly frustrating. A door that reverses by itself is potentially dangerous.

Make sure you avoid disasters by troubleshooting your automatic garage door problems and following some simple maintenance tips.

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Upgrade to a Smart Garage Door Opener

Upgrade to a Smart Garage Door Opener

How effective is your garage door opener?

Does it constantly get stuck behind the seat or in a crevice? Is it sticky with spilled coffee? Is it anyone’s guess as to whether it will work?

If you said yes to any or all of these, you need a new garage door opener.

Instead of simply replacing it with the same antiquated technology, you might want to look into a smart garage door opener instead.


There are several benefits to upgrading to this new technology.

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Why Go with New Commercial Garage Door Installation?

Why Go with New Commercial Garage Door Installation?

Has your commercial garage door seen better days? Before you break out the duct tape and oil, you might want to consider a brand new installation.

Repairing your garage door is like putting a Band-Aid on a cracked windshield. It might be a temporary fix, but the problem isn’t going to go away. The longer you put off a new installation, the less you’ll ultimately get from your defunct door.

Paying for a brand new door can often be cheaper than holding onto the old one, especially considering the higher level of functionality you get. Here are some key benefits worth exploring. Continue reading “Why Go with New Commercial Garage Door Installation?”